121 Alhambra Plaza, Suite 1500, Coral Gables, FL 33134

Mary Ann Ruiz Quoted in USA Today Article

Mary Ann Ruiz contributed to and was quoted in a USA Today article entitled, “Panel: Condo risks remain; Calls for reform to avoid another Surfside disaster.” The article was published on the front page of USA Today’s print edition on December 16, 2021, and online on December 15, 2021.

The article discusses the Miami-Dade County grand jury’s report concerning the devastating Champlain Tower South condominium collapse. The report recommends several policy changes at the municipal and county levels and calls for statewide legislative changes to Florida’s Condominium Act.

Mary Ann Ruiz reviewed the grand jury’s report, and was mentioned as follows:

Mary Ann Ruiz, a Miami-area condominium attorney who represents mostly individual owners, said she expects the grand jury report to spur Florida lawmakers into action and advocate for changes to state regulations.

“This report arrives just in time,” Ruiz said. “The tragic events in Surfside show us that an overhaul of Florida condominium laws is long overdue.”

Thank you to Romina Ruiz Goiriena and Rick Jervis for their excellent and continuous coverage of this tragedy.

For nearly thirteen years, Mary Ann Ruiz, P.A. has strived to be a valuable resource to the South Florida condominium community, with a specialty in representing condominium unit owners.



USA Today, ‘Save lives, not just money’: Surfside collapse grand jury report calls for reforms, warns of further troubles, (Dec. 15, 2021, 4:49 p.m.) https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/12/15/grand-jury-probe-into-surfside-condo-collapse-condo-safety-released/8906682002/


Mary Ann Ruiz

Mary Ann Ruiz, P.A. is a boutique litigation firm serving the South Florida real estate sector and specializing in representing high net worth condominium unit owners in complex condominium disputes.